Henry Kantrow will be presenting a poster at the North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) conference. The North American Thermal Analysis Society is a venerable organization that offers scientists and practitioners the opportunity to explore the frontiers of thermal analysis, rheology, and materials characterization. Membership ensures that you have contact information for all your NATAS […]
Carlos will participate in the 2024 workshop on Exciton/Photon Interactions for Quantum Systems.
Carlos will be an invited speaker at the upcoming Telluride workshop titled “Electronic and Structural Dynamics in Hybrid Perovskites: Theory Meets Experiment.”
Pr Carlos Silva, Sabrina Benmakhlouf, the CERC principal coordinator and Félix Thouin, principal research scientist, will participate in the next edition of the 2024 Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) and Canada 150 Research Chairs (C150) Symposium. The event will take place from October 21 to 23, 2024, in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and will provide an opportunity for chairholders, key members of […]
Join us for the Integrated Photonics and Quantum Applications Symposium on November 5th at Université Laval! There are still spots available, and Carlos Silva’s CERC is proud to support and […]
Our group will participate in the ACS Spring 2025 meeting. Please feel free to reach out if you wish to meet with us and discuss science: cercsilva@umontreal.ca.