
Recruitment Process

Carlos continuously seeks training to identify and mitigate unconscious bias in the recruitment process. When recruiting postdocs who are university employees subject to the institutional collective agreement, great care is taken, so that the process not only respects institutional procedures, but also falls within the established set of values and EDI culture of the CERC.

To this end, the RQMP is developing an International School of Advanced Materials, which has among its objectives to recruit at the international level in order to promote diversity, with a blind review process and incentives for underrepresented groups. Formal recruitment of postdocs will involve a committee of professors and the Senior Research Scientist (see Core Team), not chaired by the Chairholder, all of whom will have received appropriate training in EDI and unconscious bias. The advert will be constructed using neutral, inclusive language, following guidance and input from the competent EDI institutional officers, and will be posted in professional society academic job adverts. Carlos will target particular researchers from underrepresented groups to achieve group composition.

Yulong Zheng
- PhD defense day
Ravyn Malatesta
- PhD defense day
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Yulong Zheng
- PhD defense
Ravyn Malatesta
- PhD defense
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Yulong Zheng
- PhD defense day
Ravyn Malatesta
- PhD defense day
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Yulong Zheng
- PhD defense
Ravyn Malatesta
- PhD defense
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Yulong Zheng
- PhD defense
Ravyn Malatesta
- PhD defense
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Training & Development

There will be a strong emphasis in training in culturally responsive mentoring at all levels of the CERC team, including the Chairholder.

Silva will ensure that all team members have equal opportunities for mentoring, and that mentoring skills are seen as a core component of training.

Trainees at all levels will continue to be trained in the full scientific research process, starting from formulation of research objectives, experimental design, modelling strategies, manuscript redactions and especially, proposal writing.

This training will be considered as integral in postgraduate education. EDI training will be a continuous process for all CERC members.


We are continuously seeking candidates. Come join our exciting environment.

Carlos Silva Acuña and his team support equity, diversity and inclusion values in the research community and encourage any person to submit their resume, in particular racialized individuals, Black individuals, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, women and people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

For details on current projects, and M.Sc., Ph.D., or Post-doc positions, please reach out!

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