A quantum analog of Huygen’s clock: noise-induced synchronization
We propose a quantum analogue of the Huygens clock, in which the phases of two spins achieve synchronization through their interaction with a shared environment. The environment functions analogously to […]
Exciton-photocarrier interference in mixed lead-halide-perovskite nanocrystals
The use of semiconductor nanocrystals in scalable quantum technologies requires characterization of the exciton coherence dynamics in an ensemble of electronically isolated crystals in which system–bath interactions are nevertheless strong. In this […]
Strong exciton-polariton correlations shape the many-body polariton dynamics in two-dimensional metal halide semiconductor microcavities
Polaritons are hybrid light-matter quasiparticles that condense into a quantum fluid at sufficiently high densities. Although two-dimensionnal hybrid lead-halide perovskites seem to be the ideal material platform to observe polaritons […]
Correlated noise enhances coherence and fidelity in coupled qubits
It is generally assumed that environmental noise arising from thermal fluctuations are detrimental to preserving coherence and entanglement in a quantum system. In the simplest sense, dephasing and decoherence are […]