Our end goal
Supported by our expertise in coherent ultrafast non-linear spectroscopy, we aim to develop a suite of mixed spectral domain techniques to reveal coherent correlations between quasiparticles separated by many orders of magnitude in energy.
We are currently developing capabilities to generate ultrashort pulses from terahertz (THz) to the visible range, enabling experiments across three decades of frequency.
The manipulation and synchronization of these pulses into a train of coherent pulses, using various phase control techniques, will ultimately allow their integration into complex coherent control sequences to dissect many-body interactions in complex systems at the frontier of physics and chemistry.
For collaboration opportunities and access to our infrastructure, please contact us: cercsilva@silvascience.org.
Our end goal
Three amplified femtosecond systems
- Coherent Astrella (6 mJ, 1 kHz), TOPAs
- Light Conversion Carbide (400 µJ, 100 kHz), one orpheus-N-2H and one orpheus-N-3H, Orpheus-One-HP
- Light Conversion Pharos (400 µJ, 50 kHz), Orpheus-F
- Spectral capability: 300 nm – 17000nm – available pulsewidths: 8-300 fs, pulse energies: 400 µJ – 6 mJ
Spectroscopic setups
- Transient two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy (Phasetech)
- Coherent transient four-wave mixing (home made COLBERT MDCS)
- Colinear transient four-wave mixing (MNSTR Sense Bigfoot)
- Pump-probe, pump-dump probe, two-dimensional pump-probe (Light-conversion Harpia)
- Time resolved photoluminescence (streak camera, TCSPC)
- Montana Instruments Cryocore, CryoAdvance (4 K)
- Attocube microscope (4 K, NA 0.9)
- PASQAL with magnetic field (7 T, 2 K)